
dinsdag 16 september 2014

Wishlist & Update #1: I've had my surgery!

1, 2 & 3 H&M
4. New Look   5. Asos
So tiny wishlist at the moment... I wish I could look for more, but that shouldn't be very wise as I can't shop for another month.
Or even lift up my arms to try things on hah. Yes, it is that bad...

As I wrote earlier (here) I was saving for a breast augmentation. Well, tomorrow it's been a week already and let me tell you one thing, it's not fun. At. All. I've been through hell the first three days. My days existed of taking pain killers (that didn't really work btw), sitting, trying to eat, trying to sleep and sit some more. Because all you can and want to do is sit all day (and night) and try not to move a lot.

Right now I'm having a really sore bum from sitting all the time and I'm afraid that will go on for a while. I still can't sleep on my back, but at least I'm in my bed at night with a pillow or six.

I'm going back for a check up on Thursday, so I'm pretty curious what he has to say. I think it's healing well, although I wish it went faster. I'm so done with the pain and not being able to function properly. But I'm getting there, slowly... Hopefully I will feel better within four weeks and be ready to try out some bra's :D

1 opmerking:

  1. Ik ben echt zo benieuwd hoe het allemaal gaat verlopen de aankomende tijd. Misschien leuk om een soort dagboek bij te houden over hoe je je elke dag voelt enzo? :) Ik hoop dat je je weer wat beter voelt momenteel! :)


I would love to hear your thoughts!